- fizzy drink
- газированная вода
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
fizzy drink — шипучий напиток soft drink industry промышленность безалкогольных напитков drink with orange flavour напиток с апельсиновой отдушкой intemperance in drink пристрастие к спиртным напиткам dairy drink powder сухая смесь для молочного напитка… … English-Russian travelling dictionary
fizzy drink — /ˈfɪzi drɪŋk/ (say fizee dringk) noun → soft drink (def. 1) …
fizzy drink — noun A non alcoholic, carbonated beverage such as lemonade or cola … Wiktionary
fizzy — UK [ˈfɪzɪ] / US adjective Word forms fizzy : adjective fizzy comparative fizzier superlative fizziest a) a fizzy liquid has bubbles of gas in it b) British a fizzy drink is a sweet drink without alcohol that has bubbles. The usual American word… … English dictionary
fizzy — fiz|zy [ˈfızi] adj 1.) a fizzy liquid contains bubbles of gas →↑sparkling, flat ↑flat ▪ fizzy water 2.) fizzy drink BrE a sweet non alcoholic drink with bubbles of gas … Dictionary of contemporary English
fizzy — adjective 1 a fizzy liquid contains bubble 1 (1) s of gas opposite flat 1 (4) 2 fizzy drink BrE a sweet, non alcoholic drink with bubbles of gas; soft drink … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fizzy — [[t]fɪ̱zi[/t]] fizzier, fizziest ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Fizzy drinks are drinks that contain small bubbles of carbon dioxide. They make a sound like a long s when you pour them. [BRIT] ...fizzy water. ...a can of fizzy drink. Syn: sparkling (in AM … English dictionary
fizzy — [ˈfɪzi] adj British a fizzy drink is a sweet drink without alcohol that has BUBBLES … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
fizzy — /ˈfɪzi/ (say fizee) adjective (fizzier, fizziest) 1. that fizzes; fizzing. 2. (of a soft drink or beverage) carbonated. 3. (of horses, etc.) difficult to control. –noun (plural fizzies) 4. Colloquial → fizzy drink. {fizz + y1 …
fizzy — ► ADJECTIVE (fizzier, fizziest) 1) (of a drink) effervescent. 2) exuberant. DERIVATIVES fizzily adverb fizziness noun … English terms dictionary
drink — I n. 1) to fix, make, mix a drink 2) to pour a drink 3) to have, take; nurse; toss off a drink 4) a fizzy (BE); potent, stiff, strong; still (BE) ( not sparkling ); weak drink 5) a mixed; soft drink 6) (misc.) to drown one s sorrows in drink II v … Combinatory dictionary